Monday, June 4, 2012

“The Reunion Pt. 1”

MAN! John Sally stays cracking jokes. LOL, he’s funny as hell. This Reunion should be interesting.

I knew that legal issues were appearing with the whole slapping Jennifer thing due to blogs I’ve read. Apparently Jennifer is suing; she’s going after Evelyn and her best friend Nia for that slap that she was issued. Jennifer is also being sued by the actual show “Basketball Wives” for talking bad about the show, which is restricted in their contracts… I take it lawyers are all up and through that audience, just waiting for special moments to appear. All of the suing has gotten way out of hand!

That was big of Tami to apologize to Kesha about her behavior in Tahiti. Her behavior was off the wall, and I know that she regrets it due to seeing her in several different interviews after the incident. We all make mistakes Tami, we live and we learn. I’m also glad to hear that you’ve continued to work on your anger, and that you are making progress. *round of applause*

OOOOHHH! John just blasted Jennifer about having glasses. LMAO!!!

Jennifer is defending herself with the whole living with Nia situation, but all of the girls are shutting that sh*t down...I’m coming to Jennifer’s defense on this one, because most friends stay over each other houses during ruff times or just to get away. That’s what friends do, that’s what they are there for. I completely agree with that statement she said. I believe that whole living with each other situation was made more serious than what it really was.

Jennifer made some good points, about how she valued friendships and the whole situation with her divorce.

…A lie detector test? That should be interesting. I wonder what questions were asked on that bad boy. We’ll see on “Part 2” of the reunion next week.


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